TOP > Conference


"Conference on Joint Research and Survey" was held on February 3-5, 2009 in Tokyo
"Conference on Countermeasures to Combat Infectious Diseases in Asia" was held on July 22-24, 2008 in Bangkok
"Conference on Countermeasures to Combat Infectious Diseases in Asia" was held on November 6-8, 2007 in Hanoi
"Conference on Countermeasures to Combat Infectious Diseases in Asia" was held on August 22-24, 2006 in Taipei
"Conference on Countermeasures to Combat Infectious Diseases in Asia" was held on September 1-3, 2005 in Tokyo
Keynote Address
Presentation Material Delhi, Hanoi, Jakarta, Proposal Tokyo, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo, Yangon
Summary Delhi, Hanoi, Jakarta, Proposal Tokyo, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo, Yangon

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